Monday, August 17, 2015

NZ Flags

Hi I'm back and today I'll be talking about the recent flag change and my favourite 4 flags. Now, I have seen some of the information about them on the news but I didn't know their were thousands of flags made and only 40 of them were in the list for the new flag. So here are four of my favourite flags that I think should be in the referendum.

Black Jack by Mike Davison, tagged with: Black, Red, White, Koru, Southern Cross, Union Jack, History, Independence, Cross, Māori culture.
Black Jack

Flag #1

Silver Fern (Black with Red Stars) by Kyle Lockwood, tagged with: Black, Red, White, Fern, Southern Cross.
Silver Fern
(Black with Red Stars)
This flag is the Black Jack made by Mike Davison. This was the first flag that catched my eye when I went to the list of 40. I like this flag because it keeps with the theme of the flag we have now and there is more in the flag. It represents the southern cross and on the union jack there are korus which represents the Maori and the black and white represents our sports teams.

Flag #2

Now this flag has several copies of each other but why this my favourite is because it includes the red stars from our current flag and it also has our silver fern. It also contains the black and white again. This flag is made by Kyle Lockwood.

Flag #3
Land Of The Long White Cloud (Traditional Blue) by Mike Archer, tagged with: Black, Blue, Red, White, Southern Cross, Māori culture, Contemporary, Strength.
Land of the Long White Cloud
(Traditional Blue)
This flag is made by Mike Archer and he had made other flags the same as this design but in different colours. Why I like this flag is because it represents the southern cross like our current flag and the black, white and red represent the Maori. Also the blue on the current flag looks cool so the blue on this flag, since it's the same blue, makes this flag one of my top 4.

Flag #4

Inclusive by Dominic Carroll, tagged with: Black, Blue, Red, White, Koru, Southern Cross.
This flag was made by Dominic Carroll and he had also made other coloured flags of this design. Why I like this flag is because of again the southern cross and the black and white for our sports teams. The blue on the right represents the sea around us and the koru represents the Maori.

A new flag will make us better than the Aussies because we were strong enough to get a new flag before them. Another thing is a new flag will be kept for hundreds of years from our generation now to the next generation and so on. But on the other hand we should keep our old flag because that was the flag that represented us in the first and second world war. Also this was the flag we picked a hundred years ago so we should keep for our older generations. Overall I think the Black Jack should be the new flag. What flag from the 40 should we have for our new flag? Comment it down below but until next time... BYE!!!

Website for the list of flags Official Website


  1. I don't know what happened with the paragraphs

  2. I prefer the Black Jack as well!

  3. My favourite flag is the silver fern (red, white and black) and out of your favourites I like black jack most.

    also the paragraph thing happened to me but I had to delete the post :(

    1. I like the black jack to and the flags flickered on mine when I was writing it so when I published the paragraph thing happened to me but it fixed itself on mine

  4. Great post! I also like the Black Jack
