Monday, November 2, 2015


Hi guys I'm back and today I'll be talking about the skills in AFL I learned on Thursday. The first tip I learned is how to hold the AFL ball properly. You have to put your ring finger on the seam and your fingers pointed down. Another tip for this is 'laces away from faces' which means that the laces on the ball has to be facing away from you.

The skill I learned is how to kick the ball. You hold the ball in your hands like before then you drop it onto the top of your shoe. After everyone had a go we had a game where you had to hit the helpers for points for our group. At the start of the session we chose if we wanted to either be a penguin or a polar bear and they were our groups. It was fun learning skills and tips about AFL, I can't wait to play a game.

So that was the post for this week and I'll see you guys next time.