Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Hi guys I'm back and today I'll be reflecting on this term. So I've achieved lots this term and one of those thing is a Merit badge. In year 7 and 8 you can earn three different levels of badges Credit, Merit and Excellence. The first level is Credit, then it's Merit and the top level is Excellence. I'm really proud of my Merit and I hope I can get my Excellence in the coming terms.

Another thing that was a highlight this term is dodge ball. This year I have a good team for dodge ball (not saying my team was bad last year) and we have won the cup (that is non existent) every time except two times we've lost it.

There was lots of other highlights I had this term but for now that was the post for this week and I'll see you guys next term.

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Learning Stuff

Hi guys I'm back and today I'll be talking about three thing I've learnt so far this year. This first thing I already knew but I learned more about it. It was trust. At Hillary Outdoors what we learned most about the whole week was trust. Different activities helped me learn to trust people that I had never trusted before. The activity that helped with our trust the most was probably the high ropes because everyone had to be lay and if we didn't do it properly we would have probably died. Just Saying.

Cheezburger science
The second thing I learnt this year is how to separate sand and salt. I was in a group with Liam and Fraser for the experiment. What we did was that we put cold water into the cup where the sand and salt was then, we put it into a coffee strainer then we put all the water into another cup and we made salty water. Afterwards we put the salty water into a pan that was on a cooker and we evaporated the water into steam and the salt stayed in the pan as wet salt.

The third thing I learnt was that being a year 8 is harder than being a year 7 because you're expected to be role models and that teachers expect your work is amazing.

So that was the post for this week and I'll see you guys next time.bye peace goodbye farewell im out